We all like to think that we are Samantha from Sex and the City. But the reality is you need more than 3 pieces of lace when you’re on the school run.

Deep into the first lockdown I found myself shopping online for new sleepwear and lingerie. I was so disappointed by the marketing of women’s underwear. It seemed to be aimed at men, and the idea that you can only wear lingerie for the bedroom or it was very high end but completely unwearable unless you are a size 4!

Now we all like to think that we are Samantha from sex and the city. But .. the reality is you need more than 3 pieces of lace when you’re on the school run. So I started to wonder, where is the middle ground?Where is the company that gives me female driven , beautiful pieces that I can wear anytime?

I wanted underwear that empowers me to be sexy everyday, to feel good if I’m going to sleep, going to the boardroom or going on a dog walk. So just like that Liberty & Love was born.

Beth Kates
Founder, Liberty & Love


Being sexy doesn’t just have to be about the bedroom. It can be about being able to feel good every day, no matter what you are doing.